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Teresa Meador

Certified Consultant

(540) 541-8803

My Story

Thanks to Heather Stanger, I & my daughter got hooked on Scentsy & she is now my Sponsor, in 2018/19. The Scents that she introduced us to were just absolutely WONDERFUL. We had to buy warmers & wax bars! The store-bought warmers, well I really never realized just how they actually worked until I bought one from Scentsy. There IS a big difference. After buying for a while, I got to where I really believed in these products, so I wanted to come aboard to help share them with others. That's why I'm here, to help spread the wonderful Scentsations. There's SO much more than warmers though, just go look & see for yourself. I PROMISE you won't be disappointed!! Scentsy is well worth my time & investment...yours too, come aboard, I can help you with whatever you need & IF I don't know an answer to a question, I KNOW where to get it :)

What's warming in my home